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"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6



Children are a true blessing from God.  Our ultimate goal is to come alongside parents in fulfilling the command "to tell the generation to come the praises of the Lord and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done . . . that the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children" (Psalm 78:4, 6).

The nursery is where we meet the needs of the youngest in our church family. Our time with these little ones - newborn through age four - is spent singing songs, engaging them in play, and teaching simple lessons about our Lord.

Our Sunday School classes (for children age five through eleven) provide age-appropriate Bible lessons and learning activities that are both fun and spiritually rich. The children learn about the character of God, the work of Christ, and the means of living in right relationship to Him.

Each class is led by skilled teachers who have been cleared to work with our children.  They are committed to communicating the truth of God's Word clearly and applicably so that they may enter the child's world for sake of the gospel.

For the security and safety of our children, we have an established security system for check in and check out.  We will be glad to walk you through this process and help you feel that your children are safe in our care. 

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